How To Fix Corrupted PS3 Hard Drive (Reasons & Solutions)

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You are enjoying your PS3 and suddenly it stops working. It does not feel good, right? Sometimes many of your PS3 can be corrupted. Losing data is one of the major concerns when the hard drive of the PS3 is corrupted. 

For recovering data, it restarts again if it is not properly shut down. PS3 allows you to have a look at the diagnosis tool in order to find out the original problem. A correction cycle can be initiated to figure out any problem. 

Main Symptoms Regarding the Corruption of Hard Drive

You must know the earliest sign of the corruption of your hard drive. Without detailed learning, you won’t be able to detect whether it is related to the corruption of the hard drive or not.

  • Your PS3 will freeze and lags to load contents properly and precisely.
  • Loss of power will be another issue. If you observe properly then you will see power leakage and loss. 
  • You will not be able to access the contents of your drive.
  • The extreme temperature will be found inside your device.
  • A good number of error messages will be shown by the device manager.
  • Your device will work slowly along with strange sounds will also be heard.

How To Prevent The Corruption of Hard Drive: Some Instructions That Will Save Your Device 

Main Symptoms Regarding the Corruption of Hard Drive

Improper installation is the main issue behind the corruption of the hard drive. A number of other reasons are also involved. We have researched some of the major reasons for that problem. You need to have a look and learn how to prevent the corruption of the hard drive.

  • Installation of software should be precise. A half-done installation is very problematic.
  • Don’t use files from unauthorized sources. As you already know, viruses can be injected from there.
  • Don’t change the recommended settings without knowing anything. 
  • If any problem occurs with your PS3, make sure you are repairing it with good materials.
  • Maintain your files in a systematic way though it has almost zero effect in corrupting your hard drive.

Solutions To Recovery: Four Tricks That Will Allow To Fix The Problem Instantly

1. The File System Should Be Restored

Well, this is the first thing you need to perform. There is a menu called “ Restore PS3 System” available inside the device. It is known as the safe mode menu’s factory reset option.

You need to pick that option in order to delete the available data and settings from the hard drive. Well, you must have already understood that the whole thing occurs due to some corrupted data. When you are selecting that option it will reformat the available data.

After formatting the data it will set the hard drive to the default settings of the factory. Another way to access this option is to select it from the PS3’s system menu. Both functions work similarly.

This feature will also delete the corrupted data.  Before picking up this option you have to understand that this is one of the most extreme decisions to take. You can lose all your necessary data.

This was our first solution, now we will go forward in order to get some other solutions to make your life easier. 

2. Make Sure Your Device Is In Safe Mode

When you are facing that your device is getting corrupted then it is better to enter into safe mode. For entering this feature, you have to pick PS3’s safe mode. You need to press and hold the start button for a little longer.

The time can be at a max of 12 seconds. There is a possibility you will hear beep sounds. In most cases, the beeping sound occurs three times. When you are finished with the third beep sound then you need to iterate the process again.

If you find the double beep the third time then you have to release the button. After that, your PS3 will enter into a safe state.  Another easy way to perform this task is to use a controller. 

Connect this controller to the device and through a USB cable, you need to navigate the necessary menu.

3. Reset Your PS3 Device

This is one of the safest ways to protect your PS3. You need to find an option called “ Restore PS3 system”. You can find the option from the Safe mode options. Specifically, it is available in the factory reset option.

The first thing it will do is to delete all available data and restore the hard drive of your device. By default, it uses factory mode. You can also select all the settings manually. To find the corrupted data, you can perform brute forcing.

In this process, you can save the necessary data you want to store. Another thing is to delete all the unsaved data from your device. You can also delete some of the recent files in order to take extra protection. 

Till now, we have suggested all the options that will recover your hard drive. But if you want to protect or take prevention at an earlier phase then you need to follow the below steps.

4. Take Necessary Steps To Prevent Before Corrupting

The main reason behind hard drive corruption is the wrong writing procedure of a data or file. In another case, it can occur when the writing or saving procedure of this file is wrong. You have to focus on these things.

So, before turning off your PS3, you need to save all the files properly else you have to discard the saving procedure. If you follow this step then the chances of hard drive corruption will be lesser.

You have to be careful before the installation of any software. Sometimes firmware that is custom is responsible for the corruption of hard drives. So, be a hundred percent sure before installing any custom firmware. 

Even if you are installing then you have to make sure that you have installed it by following a proper procedure. If the installation process is incorrect then there are higher chances that the device will get corrupted.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we’ll go over some often-asked questions regarding corrupting PS3 hard drives. A huge number of questions are asked on a daily basis. Our attempt is to answer some of the major questions.

How Do I Fix Corrupted PS3 Storage?

Press and hold the power button twice. It will offer you instructions on how to set up Safe Mode if you hold down the power button for four to five seconds and it turns red. Click option 4 After the machine is reset, I believe it will save your games.

By following this step there are chances you will be able to fix the storage issue of your device. Another thing, you might need to delete some of the corrupted files in order to keep the storage of your device safe.

 Hopefully, the solution will work to solve the problem you are facing.

How Do I Know If a PS3 Hard Drive Is Failing?

At first, your device will not boot. The device will not get turned on using a normal procedure along with the indicator light of the PS3 will turn from yellow to green. These are the primary outlook of the PS3.  In the worst case, the indicator light will turn red. 

You will also feel the motherboard will not also work properly. By observing all these steps you have to understand the hard drive of your PS3 is falling at an instant rate. You need to take the necessary steps in order to stop this disaster.


We made an effort to cover all the methods required to repair a corrupt PS3 hard disk in this article. In-depth discussions on issues and prevention are also included for your better understanding. You can contact us whenever you have a question. We’ll be back as soon as we can with a different solution.

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