Why subwoofer making noise without input

Why is my subwoofer making noise without input?

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It is never a tolerable experience that your stereo system has a rattling or humming noise for the subwoofer. 

Indeed, a ground loop subwoofer hum occurs for voltage potential differences among several units of the system. 

No one would want to hear the subwoofer noise, right? We hope you won’t have to hear it anymore. Ask us how?

Today, we have you covered with an easy-to-understand guide to assist you to define why the subwoofer making noise without input and the ways to fix it. 

The guide tends to finish: 

Common reasons for a subwoofer making noise without input

There are some common causes of subwoofer hum. If you are lucky, then it may be for only a hum loop. If the noise is for ground loops or any outer factors, it’s a normal case and you can fix it easily. 

Apart from this, there are three probable reasons for subwoofer hum. And, it depends on the noise type. Below, we have noted the three types of hints. 

Common reasons for a subwoofer making noise
  • The sound (noise) is quiet enough and it’s not even rising if you increase the volume. 

If it happens, the reason behind the issue should be your sub itself. Also, you might listen to the power supply as it isn’t working properly.

  • The noise is audible as well as it depends on your volume change.

Now, this is perhaps for a disorder in its mains cable or the unorganized subwoofer wire. To tell more specifically, this type of humming comes because of electromagnetic interference signals. The electromagnetic interference signals influence your subwoofer to produce sound in a higher or lower pitch depending on the volume or power.

  • The noise is clearly audible whereas it’s not dependent on the volume. 

This is because of a humming loop. It is for the resistors from the subwoofer power supply to the source unit to the sub. And at last, it brings a loud noise. 

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How to understand what’s causing the hum?

The last paragraph has shown how to understand the three types of hums. 

Plus, to understand what’s exactly causing the hum, you have to perform some tests. 

The first issue of loud noise may require a replacement of your subwoofer. 

While replacing your subwoofer, you will need a new one. Check on replacing it with a new subwoofer. 

Here are our recommended best subwoofers for you from Amazon: 

Again, change the audio volume and try to recognize the next cause. When you find that the sub has stopped noise after doing it, then the humming loop is the reason.

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How to get rid of Subwoofer Hum?

To enjoy a smooth stereo system, you must avoid the nuisance of subwoofer hum. Below, we have noted the ways that will help you to fix the subwoofer noise. 

#Easy Fixes: Follow these below fixes one by one. (Go for the next if the previous one doesn’t work)

1. Alter the polarity of your sub’s connection. 

Perhaps, changing the polarity of your subwoofer’s connection is the easiest way to solve the problem. By doing so, you will overturn the subwoofer power plug’s direction. 

At times, the prongs restrict the reversing method. In that case, take an AC ground adapter to overturn the polarity. 

Check this AC ground adapter available on Amazon.

2. Overturn other plugs

If the internal units have the same power supply source, then the problem would be anywhere else than in the subwoofer. Check the two-prong AC plug. Now, overturn the direction of other plugs. 

3. Keep the cables separated

We often find that power or audio cables are assembled in bundles. Then separate the cables at a respective distances. 

4. Switch outlets

As said earlier, the subwoofer noise may cause a ground loop. It occurs if the subwoofer is fighting another piece of equipment for connection to the ground. 

In this case, take your subwoofer to another AC circuit. You may also require an extension cord to connect the sub with a distinct wall power outlet. 

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5. Get an audio isolation transformer

If the grounding method of the last step doesn’t work, then you have to buy an audio isolation transformer. It works immediately to fix the ground loops.

Check our recommended audio isolation transformers.




Overall, you can solve subwoofer humming by maintaining some simple fixes. And as the problems differ in the cause, you should recheck the causes and try a fix as given in the article. 

If it gets too tough for you to solve, seek technical support.

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